Emnekode |
PK60xx |
Emneansvarlig |
Professor Jørn Vatn & Mary Ann Lundteigen |
Institutt og fakultet |
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering |
Antall studiepoeng |
7,5 |
Undervisning |
Fall |
Emnets navn (engelsk) |
DEMONSTRATING SAFETY OF NOVEL SOLUTIONS Based on PK6022 Pålitelighet av sikkerhetskritiske funksjoner
Text below to be updated |
Anbefalte forkunnskaper |
[General requirement about master in oil and gas added.] Specific requirements for this course: Basic knowledge in probability theory. It is recommended to have course PK6018 Safety and Reliabiliyt or similar background in systems reliability theory. The course aims to balance quantitative and qualitative issues. |
Målgruppe |
The subject is directed to engineers in the field of automation, mechanical engineering, technical safety, and computer science who are directly or indirectly involved in design and reliability assessment of safety-critical systems that employ electrical/electronic/programmable electronic technologies.
SUBZERO ALL Electric Qualification of NOVEL SOLUTIONS
Læringsmål |
Knowledge: The course will give a thorough understanding of concepts, requirements, and methods used in relation to reliability assessments of safety-critical systems, within the frames of standards like IEC 61508. More specifically, the participants will learn about (i) types of safety-critical systems, (ii) key requirements in IEC 61508 and related standards, (iii) methods to use for the derivation of safety-integrity level (SIL) requirements, (iv) constraints for the selection of hardware and software design in light of SIL-requirements, (iii) commonly used methods for reliability assessment, including the selection of data and considerations to uncertainty . The main case studies used to support the lectured material are taken from the oil and gas industry, and in to some extent also from machinery systems. The participants are welcomed to also introduce other case examples, in light of their working area. Skills: The participants shall be able to carry out reliability assessments for commonly used architectures of safety-critical systems, including to judge and select among the different methods in light of own competence, system properties and availability of data. If the PDStools is introduced in the course, the participants will get the opportunity to learn the basic features of this tool and how to use it for practical case studies. In addition, the participant will get experience in navigating the standards, including to identify where the key requirements and methods are presented. The participants will also get some experience in selecting and judging the relevance of different data for the assessment (manufacturer data vs OREDA data as an example).
General competence: The participants should after this course have a good understand about how reliability assessments may impact decision-making regarding design and operation of safety-instrumented systems and in addition to understand how the requirements about performance of the systems is related to safety-barrier management for the facility.
Faglig innhold |
Topics lectured:
Læringsformer og aktiviteter |
The course is split into two separate seminars, each of 3 days. In the period between the two seminars, the participants will work on a project, where the aim is to use the lectured theory with a case study of relevance for the participant. Some tutorials with solutions are also posted. The project is completed after the second gathering, so that also lectured material from there can be adapted with project tasks. The students must bring own computer.